The executive of the Irish Landlords' Convention decided on Wednesday
that, though there is no representative of the landlords on the Commission, and though "the terms of the reference are to be regarded with suspicion, as it seems doubt- ful whether they provide for the full and searching investiga- tion which is demanded and desired by the landlords," they would not hold entirely aloof from the inquiry, but would express no opinion till the Commissioners have declared the course of procedure which they intend to take. They further agreed "that, as regards procedure, it is essential, as a matter of justice, that no evidence given before the Com- mission should be published without the reply or rebutting evidence relating thereto, and that full notice should be given to both landlords and tenants to enable them to prepare and put in such rebutting evidence as they may deem necessary." The landlords are quite right to insist that they shall be able to- put their case fully if they take part in the Commission ; but we trust that they will not let themselves be influenced by anything but this consideration. As long as they insist upon a fair hearing, we feel certain that Mr. Morley would be the last man to throw obstacles in the way. Mr. Morley may be a doctrinaire, and apt, like all doctrinaires, to be intolerant ; but that he has a sincere desire to get at the facts we do not doubt.