The Cabinet Portrait - Gallery. Reproduced From...
Downey. Third Series. (Cassell and Co.)—This third series is as well executed and as interesting as its prede- cessors. There are thirty-six portraits, each accompanied by a few......
Six Months In The Apennines.* Tins Book Is Unexpectedly...
reading. It is marked by sober accuracy, it is redolent of Italy, it presents the results of learned study with tact and taste, and yet it is about Irish saints and sages of......
The Cross - Roads. By Charlotte M. Yonge. (national...
a story intended—so the title-page informs us—for "young women and elder girls." Substantially, it is the story of a young woman who promises to marry a groom, but breaks off......
Current Literature.
GIFT-BOOKS. Four volumes belonging to "The Children's Favourite Series" (Edward Arnold), are Deeds of Gold, a selection of forty-odd true stories of valiant deeds, some in prose......
Far From To - Day. By Gertrude Hall. (roberts Brothers,...
volume contains six stories drawn from the stores of classical, Northern, and media:Iva]. legend. There is much pretty writing among them, indeed, one might say, too much ; we......
Humorous Readings From Charles Dickens. Edited By Charles...
(Simpkin, Marshall, and Co.)—Here we have two series of extracts, made for the purpose of reading, from the earlier works of Charles Dickens. (For obvious reasons, the choice is......
The World Of Romance. (cassell And Co.)—we Have Here, In
a handsome volume, well printed, and excellently illustrated, be- tween fifty and sixty short stories of the romantic kind, gathered from many sources, and belonging to many......
The Boy's Own Book Of Health And Strength. By Gordon
Stables, M.D. (Jerrold and Sons.)—Dr. Gordon Stables gives much quite admirable advice to his boy-readers. He begins with some ele- mentary facts in physiology, giving a special......
The Doctor's Dozen. By Evelyn Everett-green. (oliphant,...
Inglehurst, a prosperous practi- tioner in a Midland town, is mortally injured in a railway accident, and leaves his twelve children insufficiently provided for. The family,......