Miss Cobbe, In A, Letter To The Times Of October
15th, frankly admits that Dr. Shore's experiments were stated to be made under the influence of anwsthetics, and that the statement was omitted in her book by those whom she had......
The Statistics Connected With British Agriculture Show...
are by no means the helpless, "played out" class they are often represented, and that they are meeting the fall in the price of wheat as business men ought to meet it,'.-.by......
The Government, As We Supposed, Has Not Decided To Give
up Uganda. A great deputation from the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society waited, on Thursday, on Lord Rosebery, and laid the whole case before him from their point of......
The Times Of Tuesday Gives Some Very Interesting And...
figures as to the gold production of the world. The yield is yearly increasing, and that of 1891 was the largest ever recorded. In round numbers, the production for the last......
The Inquest On The Body Of Dr. Kirwan, Who Was
found strangled on Wednesday, October 12th, in a court out of White. crossStreet, in the Borough, ended on Wednesday in a verdict of wilful murder by strangling against the......
In His Speech At Templemore, Addressed To The "county...
of Tipperary, on Monday, Mr. John Dillon " formulated " the demands of the Irish people, as regards the evicted tenants. "We expect," he said, "that the tenants who can show to......
I Malta Correspondent Of The Times Relates A Story Showing
once more the inexplicable credulity of mankind in matters of finance. A charwoman in the island offered to receive deposits and pay is. a week per pound as interest, or 260 per......
A Correspondent Of The Athenwum Repeats The Old And Rather
absurd story that in the allusion to his "Pilot" in Tennyson's "Crossing the Bar," the poet referred either to his deceased son, Lionel, or to his deceased friend, Arthur......
Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent.
New Consols (2i) were on Friday 96.......