Dinners in Miniature. By Ethel Earl. (Chapman and Hall.)— "
The needs of small households of dainty ways" are the needs which Miss Earl sets herself to consider. She gives many excellent suggestions, for which we must refer the reader to the volume itself ; and it is very modest in size and price. One chapter- " Dressed Vegetables "—we may specially commend. There is nothing in which the intrinsic barbarity of our average cooking is shown than the brutality—to use a strong phrase—with which we treat our vegetables. Boiling water is the only treatment that we seem capable of giving them.—With this, though viewing the subject from a somewhat different point of view, may be mentioned Digestion and Diet Rationally Discussed. By Thomas Dutton, M D. (Henry Kimpton.)—A wise doctor and a good cook ought to do much between them to maintain the mens sana in corpore sano.