Our Trip North. By R. Menzies. (Digby and Long.)—The "North"
which Mr. Menzies and his friends visited was Orkney. We cannot say that we get in his paper any very vivid description of the place and its people. Nor did the travellers have any very remarkable adventures,—except, perhaps, the being towed at a furious rats by a whale, which they had thought to be dead, may be considered such. Still the book is pleasant and readable. If the persons introduced are, as we suppose, real, they are described and reported with at least as much minuteness as they will like. However, as nothing spiteful is said, no harm will have been done. We are sorry to see that the author is not free from the common craze for blood-shedding. What profit was it to massacre a poor seal ? Even if the body had been recovered, it would have been but of little use, and there are always strong chances against such recovery.