Truth About the Salvation Army. (Simpkin and Marshall.)— This pamphlet
contains three papers, by Mr. Arnold White, Mr. Francis Peek, and Archdeacon Farrar. We are glad to have the opinions of competent judges on the subject ; to hear, for in- stance, from Mr. Arnold White, that the absolute disinterestedness of the Booth family is beyond all doubt, and to have the very interesting details as to the work done by the "Army " which Mr. F. Peek has collected. But Archdeacon Farrar's heated rhetoric is very much out of place. What he has to tell us in the way of facts, we hear to much better purpose from Mr. White and Mr. Peek, and we do not want his furious diatribes. He abhors all critics and reviewers ; they have the bad taste not to admire his style unreservedly, and he gives them a blow on his own account —so, at least, it seems to us—while he is championing the Salva- tion Army. If any one wants to see to what lengths a furious author can go, let him read p. 51 of this pamphlet.