22 OCTOBER 1910, Page 16


OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Srn,—/n your footnote to Mr. E. J. Watson's letter on the Church of England in last week's Spectator you say : "In truth the Church of England consists of all the baptised persons in the realm." Do you seriously suggest that those who have been baptised in the Roman Church in this country are members of the Church of England P—I am, Sir, Sze., [Our correspondent does not seem to have read the note to Canon Henson's letter. We qualified our statement by the words ".and who desire to be comprehended." A Roman Catholic presumably would not so desire; but if he did wish to be comprehended, then most certainly he could claim his rights in the National Church. In law he is of course a Nonconformist, and is on exactly the same footing as a Baptist, except that a Baptist could be Lord Chancellor, and probably a Roman Catholic could not.—En. Spectator.]