[to The Emma Or The " Bracntroz."1 Sir, I Gather
that in Mr. Watson's opinion continuity between the Pre-Reformation Church and the modern Church of England was lost when the trammels of Roman jurisdic- tion were thrown off.......
[to Ter Editor Or The "spectator."]
SIR,—Is it quite consistent on the part of Canon Henson, who, de haul en bas, lectures the Archbishop of York and the Bishop of Birmingham on their sectarianism, to he himself......
John Stuart Mill And Present-day Liberalism.
[TO THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR, — You may possibly think worth reproducing some quotations from John Stuart Mill's " Representative Government," which seem to throw......
[to The Ediive Op The "spectator:i Sie,— Accoraing To The...
Article of Religion, " the visible Church of Christ is a congregation of faithful men," &c. Consequently the Church of England comprehends and includes all congregations of......
What Is The Church O! England ? [to Tar Enrros
OF THE "SPECTATOR:1 Srn,—/n your footnote to Mr. E. J. Watson's letter on the Church of England in last week's Spectator you say : "In truth the Church of England consists of......
[to The Editor 07 The "spectator.'1
Sin,—In your note appended to Canon Hensley Henson's letter in the Spectator of October I5th you say:—"The Church of England comprehends all baptised persona who profess and......
Sectarian Anglicanism.
[TO THE EDITOR OP THE " SPECTLTOR."3 Sin,—It may seem presumptuous to speak when such doughty champions are in the field, but may I, as a rank-and-file member of the Church of......