Beyond The Mexican Sierras. By Dillon Wallace. (hodder...
7s. 61. net.)—Mr. Wallace begins his book with a brief historical introduction. For the most part it is a record of failure. Spanish rule was such, and such was Mexican......
Not A Few Who Have Enjoyed One Of The Most
splendid shows of recent times will be glad to possess themselves of Japan To - day, by Kotaro Mochizuki (Liberal News Agency, Tokyo). It is described as a "Souvenir of the......
We Have Received From The Kyoto Exhibitors' Association A...
mai (sake-cup) described as a "souvenir" of their participation in the Japan-British Exhibition, and an illustrated volume describing the city of Kyoto and its industries. The......
The Public Milk Supply. By Hugh A. Macewen, M.b. (mackie
and Son. 2s. 6d. net.)—Dr. Macewen has collected a great number of most valuable facts in this volume. It well deserves the careful attention of the sanitary authorities......
The English Colony In New South Wales. By David Collins.
Edited by James Collier. (Whitcombe and Tombs. 7s. Bd.)- David Collins (1756-1810) was gazetted Lieutenant of Marines at the age of fourteen, served in the American War and......
Looking Facts In The Face. By St. George Stock, M.a.
(Con- stable and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Mr. Stock doubtless does his best to " look facts in the face," but he has, so to speak, a cast in his intellectual eye. He writes about the......
A Treatise On Electrical Theory And The Problem Of The
Universe. By G. W. de Tunzelmann. (Charles Griffin and Co. 15s. net.)— We must be content with a very brief notice of this work. Its aim, says the author, is "to develop as......
Some Books Of Tiie Week.
trader this heading ire reties such Books of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] Herbert Spencer's Descriptive Sociology. Edited by Henry R. Tedder.......