Nuw EDITIONS.— Memoir of George Howard Wilkinson (Bishop of St. Andrews).
By Arthur James Mason, D.D. (Longmans and Co. 69. net.)—The two-volume edition, published in 1908, has been somewhat shortened by the omission of a number of letters, and the new volume can now be obtained at a very moderate price. —Life and Labour, by Samuel Smiles, first published in 1887 and twice reprinted, now appears as a volume of "The Shilling Library" (John Murray).—Religion and Miracle. By George A. Gordon. (James Clarke and Co. 3s. 6d. net.)—Somewhat enlarged, especially by a discussion of the nature of miracle. "Miracle is relatively unimportant." This is the key of Dr. Gordon's position.—In the "Collection Nelson" (T. Nelson and Sons, is. net per vol.) we have Anna Karenine, by Leon Tolstoi, with an Introduction by M. Emile Fagnet, 2 vols. M. Faguet thinks that the great fault of the book is that we do not know enough about the antecedents of the heroine when we enter on the study of this crisis in her life.