22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 1


THE schemes of the Government for helping trade and reducing unemployment were described by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on Wednesday. We do not feel inclined to say much in the way of criticism as, truth to tell, we are much relieved that the madcap schemes about which there were many rumours have vanished into thin air. On the assumption that trade can be revived and employment created by any kind of Government intervention through subsidies and credits, the proposals of the Government are sensible enough. Moreover, there is perhaps this advantage about them, that they prove to the unemployed that the Govern- ment are by no means indifferent. On the other hand, we cannot allow ourselves to lose sight of the fact that the real cure for unemployment lies in the hands of the workers them- selves. The economic truths which govern industry are well known, and so long as these are flouted instead of being respected, revival will be slow and ultimately far less satisfactory than it might have been.