22 OCTOBER 1921, page 1

When All Has Been Said The Fact Remains That Trade

is suffering, and there is consequently terrible unemployment, because taxation is far too high. Taxation is far too high beciuse the Government have been wildly extravagant.......

We Cannot Summarize The Whole Of Mr. Lloyd George's Long

speech. The main points, however, were : (1) That the Export Credits scheme is to be rearranged and extended. The State will guarantee 100 per cent. instead of 85 per cent.......

News Of The Week

T HE schemes of the Government for helping trade and reducing unemployment were described by the Prime Minister in the House of Commons on Wednesday. We do not feel inclined to......

We Know Perfectly Well That A Dissertation About The Results

of excessive taxation is not one that moves the working man, perti- nent and urgent though it is. He feels that it is remote and indi- rect. He does not appreciate the point. He......

These Plans Were Presented By Mr. Lloyd George With A

running commentary of sensible remarks about the futility of patent medicines and other nostrums for building up the strength of the country. Finally, he appealed eloquently to......

The Labour Leaders Are Terrible Sinners In This Respect. Wo

read the other day a letter in the Times by Mr. Clynes in which, writing of the trade collapse, he said that " it began in Japan." Nothing to do with ourselves at all ! He must......

To Our Readers."

Readers experiencing difficulty in obtaining the " Spectator " regularly and promptly through the aboli- tion of the Sunday post or other causes should become yearly......