In The Dispute Between The South Wales Coalowners And The
Mines Department about the amount of the State subsidy in aid of wages in September, Sir William Pleader, as arbitrator, decided last week that the coalowners were in the right.......
Mr. Geoffrey Drage Drew Attention In The Times Of Friday,
October 14th, to the fact that the amount spent on " public assistance " last year was £257,500,000, according to a Govern. ment return. He himself estimates the total for......
At One Time We Were Inclined To Think That Mr.
Lloyd George would not lose much by delay in dealing with Shin Fein, but we are bound to say in the light of these very deliberate breaches of the truce that Mr. Lloyd George......
The Long-deferred Resignation Of Sir Eric Geddes, As...
Transport, has now taken effect. In so far as his resignation implies the demolition of the grandiose and costly Ministry which he set up it is to be heartily welcomed. The......
Sir James Craig, Like .lord Carson, Has Never For A
moment attempted to dictate to the rest of Ireland. He has never denied the right of the South to obtain whatever terms it can extract from the British Government and to live in......
A Tradesman In The South Of Ireland Appeals To Us
to make it known that he is being required by Sinn Fein to pay a definite sum to the rebel funds or, as an alternative, to suffer a boycott *which - would mean his ruin. He is,......
We Are Glad To Learn That The Ken Wood Preservation
Council is enlisting much public support. It would be a tragedy if Lord Mansfield's beautiful woodland estate on the Northern Heights, adjacent to Hampstead Heath, were cut up......
We Have Seen A Record Of Sinn Fein Activities During
September in one divisional area of Ireland as recorded by unimpeachable observers. The cases are described in detail and there were more than two hundred and fifty of them. It......
He Then Elaborated This Warning. There Had Been A• Great
deal of anxiety owing to the fear that if anything went wrong with the Peace Conference an attack would- be made by Sinn Feiners upon the Protestant population of Ulster. " I......
Bank Rate, 51 Per Cent., Changed From 6 Per Cent.
July 21, 1921 ; 5 per cent. War Loan was on Thursday, 69j ; Thursday week, 891; a year ago, 84i.......