22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 3

A tradesman in the South of Ireland appeals to us

to make it known that he is being required by Sinn Fein to pay a definite sum to the rebel funds or, as an alternative, to suffer a boycott *which -would mean his ruin. He is, of course, only one of many thousands who are being similarly treated. He remarks bitterly that this is called " government by consent of the governed." The notice in which he was informed of the amount to be collected from him is as follows :- " A collection is being made throughout this area with the sanction of the G.H.Q. of our Army to enable us to carry on the work of arming and equipping the Volunteers in this area. You are asked to contribute a fair amount. It is for your own protection as well as for the national good. Arms are needed for the fighting men. rloney is needed to buy arms. men must be clothed and fed. The wounded must be attended to. Money is needed for all this. This is no appeal. It is a request to every man and wonaan who believes in Ireland to help in putting the Army in a position to carry out the objects for which is was raised. Collectors appointed by this Brigade will call en you in a few days and collect your amount

-I` Signed. BrackenE Comma