The Labour leaders are terrible sinners in this respect. Wo
read the other day a letter in the Times by Mr. Clynes in which, writing of the trade collapse, he said that " it began in Japan." Nothing to do with ourselves at all ! He must think of industrial adversity as some sort of cyclonic disturbance of Nature. We beg both the Government and Labour to look nearer home. This kind of " beginning in Japan " argument is wearisome stuff. Lord Weir, Lord Leverhulme, and other great employers are showing themselves far better friends of Labour just now than the vast majority of Labour leaders. They will not be listened to—not at once, anyhow—because they are " capitalists." Labour, as usual, has " missed the 'bus:, It pretends to be unaware that the old type of employer has given place to a new, who would win Napoleonic victories for the workers if only he were given the chance.