22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 14


[To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—As one of those " well-meaning but indiscreet English- men " who has interested himself in the Caliphate question, permit me to venture the opinion that it is grossly unfair, as well as most unwise, to deny the Indian Moslems a voice in the settlement of Turkey. The treacherous King of Greece and his Ministers, whose policy cost us so many lives in the Near East, are to be allowed to have it all their own way, while the Moslem chivalry of India, who stood by our side in the trenches of Flanders, and who helped us to conquer the Turk in Palestine and Mesopotamia, are to be refused a hearing. Can we expect them to remain silent when they see the noble prey that they have helped to bring down being devoured by jackals?—I am, Sir, &e., ERNEST H, GRIFFIN. Connaught Club, Marble Arch, W. 2.