22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 15


ConeT.—TIcartbreak House . . .. 8.0 —2.15 [Mr. Shaw's three-act play, produced for the first time In

. this country.]

ST. MARTIN'S.—A Bill of Divorcement .. . 8.30-2.30 [A play by Miss Clemenco Dane for those who have enjoyed Miss Rose 3facanlay's Dangerous Ages. A very good play Indeed.] WYNDHAM'S.—Bulklog Drummond • • .. 8.15 —2.30 [A glorious play of the " thick ear " school.]

• • 8.30-2.30

Vannxvitax.—Note and Then • •

[A. musical comedy, altogether slightly above the average, but worth seeing for Miss Laura Cowie and Mr. Mlles Mailmen's appearances and performances respec- tively as Queen Elizabeth and Shakespeare.]

Aromo.--Chauee-Souris .. • • .. 8.30-2.30

[Admirable new programme.]