22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 2

The Cabinet Committee met the Sinn Fein delegates in conference

on Thursday and Friday of last week and again on- Monday. Strict secrecy is preserved in regard to the discussions, but it is reported that Mr. Lloyd George and his colleagues took exception to the notorious and incessant breaches of the so-called " truce " on the part of the rebels. While the troops and the police are compelled to remain passive, the " gunmen " are openly drilling and openly making forced levies on peaceful citizens. Lord Derby, speaking at Binning, ham on Wednesday, defended the Prime Minister for negotiating with the rebels. But Lord Derby laid down two conditions. First, nothing must be done that would " endanger the safety of the British Empire." Secondly, " Ulster, which had stood by England all this time, should have nothing filched from it that- the Act lately passed gave it." Lord Derby said that he " would fight against any Government that departed from " those conditions. He may yet be asked to keep that promise.