The dispute over the portion of Western Hungary called the
Burgenland was adjusted on Thursday, October 13th, at a conference in Venice, at which Austrian and Hungarian dele- gates met, with the Marchese dells Torretta as chairman. Under the Treaty of Trianon Hungary was bound to cede the Burgen- land to Austria. It was, however, agreed that plebiscites should be held in the town of Oedenburg and in the neighbour- hood to determine whether the population wished to remain under Magyar rule or to join Austria. Hungary undertook to remove the Magyar insurgent bands which have been attacking the Austrians. The Allies will garrison the district until the polls are taken. It may be hoped that the result of the plebiscite will be loyally accepted by both parties. Hungary has so far behaved badly in this case, but she has been given another chance of showing that she can adhere to an agreement.