22 OCTOBER 1921, Page 23

Good Will Toward Men. (Bible House.)—We may commend this "

popular report " of the British and Foreign Bible Society for the past year. It is well written and contains interesting facts about the ceaseless spread of the Bible in all languages and in all parts of the world. The author states, however, that " Soviet .Russia remains barred against imports of the Scriptures," though the Tsars always encouraged the Society in its work. Elsewhere, we are told, the cry of " self-deter- mination" is being raised against Christianity as "an alien

creed," as, for example, in India and Burma. " Moreover, in countries like China and Japan and South AfriCa, as well as India, Christian converts who belong to the soil are growing more and more impatient of foreign control." The Ethiopian movement in South Africa is one symptom of this tendency. A similar movement is spreading in the Congo. True Christianity is super-national, but the new African and Asiatic Churches may develop on lines of their own. The American negro Church is already unlike the white man's Church.