22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 12


Another achievement to the credit of the Organization is the establishment and maintenance of official relations with Soviet Russia. The Commissar of -Public Health has actually attended a League Conference at Geneva and health statistics are regularly sent from Moscow to Geneva. The Soviet Government, moreover, sent special thanks to the Medical Director for the work done by League investigators in Southern Russia in the course of the League's anti-malarial campaign. This again was an investigation in which experts from many nations united and conducted on a larger scale than any enterprise of the kind had ever been. Conditions were examined in Sicily and Corsica, in Syria and Spain, in Southern Russia, in the United States and in several other countries where malaria is endemic. In Syria, ineidentally, three of the investigators lost their lives through a motor- car accident which occurred while they were travelling in League service.

To indicate in any fairness the manifold activities of the League's Health Section would make quite inordinate demands on the pages of this journal, but mention must be made at least of the requests of countries like Albania and Persia for advisers for the organization of Health services, and from turkey for guidance as to the establishment of a Health Ministry. That is an example of individual countries profiting by the collective wisdom and experience con- centrated at Geneva.