Bank Rate, 41 Per Cent., Changed From 5 Per Cent.,
on April 21st, 1927. War Loan (5 per cent.) was on Wednesday 1024} ; on Wednesday week 102* ; a year ago 101/. Funding Loan (4 per cent.) was on Wednesday 85k; on Wednesday week......
Dr. Logan Has Confessed That She Swam Only Part Of
the way across the Channel, but declared that she had swum the whole way, in order to call attention to the careless manner in which Channel swims are checked. The willingness......
Mr. A. M. Samuel, Parliamentary Secretary Of The Overseas...
Department, in in interesting speech last week to the Luton Chamber of Commerce, said that he had no doubt about the future prosperity of our trade as a whole. The general curve......
By Declaring That A Woman Is Well Known To Him
as a prostitute a constable who gives evidence for the prose- cution at once creates a_prejudice. Under our Stipendiary Magistrates this probably makes little difference ; but......
Mr. Bernard:shaw Has Often Been In Hot Water, And, Of
course, likes_ it, but he has not often been in such hot water as now. Recently he reproved the Daily News for a normal Liberal criticism of Signor Mussolini. Mr. Shaw's point......
Mr. Samuel Would Not, We Imagine, Deny That This Comforting
argument about houses can be applied to other possessions and services. For instance, the great expenditure nowadays on improving the public health, on education, on' insuring......
Miss Ruth Elder And Her Navigator, Captain Haldeman, Were...
to be picked up by a steamer when their engine failed and they descended on the sea about five hundred miles north of the Azores. An oil-pipe had broken, and the pistons of the......