Translations Of Foreign Books
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIII,—As you have very generously cited my name iria footnote to Mr. Eveleigh Nash's letter on this subject in your paper of September 3rd,......
[to The Editor Of The Spectator.] Sra,—my Attention Has Been
drawn to a statement in the Spectator of October 1st that in making my report on the casting of animals for the Jewish method of slaughter I "must have used the word ' cruelty '......
"what The East Is Thinking"
[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] SIR,—In your issue of October 1st you published an article "What the East is Thinking," which moves me to forward to you the following......
Letters To The Editor
AN APPEAL TO BRITISH JEWS: THE REPLY [To the Editor of the' SPECTATOR.] SIR,—As an officer of the representative body of the Jews I beg to answer your "Appeal to British Jews"......