22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 12

The League of Nations

Work for the World's Health


In many ways the Health Organization of the League of Nations presents more points of interest than any other instru- ment of the League's activity. Technically, it is doing work of great importance, but, quite apart from that, it is serving the League on the political side with singular effectiveness by the pioneer work it has put and is putting to its credit in regions where the League on its political and economic side is hardly known. There is, for instance, the sleeping sickness investigation at Entebbe in Tanganyika. The Health Organization has also established an Epidemiological Intelligence Bureau at Singapore, and it was responsible this summer for the first League Conference ever held on the soil of South America. The sleeping sickness inquiry is carried out with the co-operation of experts from every State with colonies or protectorates in Central Africa, the interest of all of them being served directly by any investiga- tion that may equip them with new weapons against the tsetse fly and the disease it spreads broadcast throughout the regions where it ranges.