The South American Conference has had results out of all proportion to its intrinsic importance. It was organized by the League in connexion with an inquiry now in progress in Great Britain, France, Austria, and other European countries, as well as in Latin America, into the causes of infant mortality. In all countries concerned certain areas have been selected in which the cause of death of every infant under one year is investigated and reported over a period of twelve months, the results being ultimately collated as basis for conclusions drawn from inquiries carried out under widely differing conditions. The South American Conference was attended by experts from the Argentine, Brazil and Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay and Uruguay, and also by the Chairman of the League's Health Committee, Professor Madsen of Denmark, and the Medical Director at Geneva, Dr. Ludwig Rajchman. The result was a remarkable quickening of activity primarily in the work of the Health Organization, but also in the general activities of the League, and the secondary outcome a crop of proposals for developments in health research and health administration in South America under League auspices.