22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 13

HEREDITY IN GREYHOUNDS; It will be interesting to see how

the use of these laws of heredity affect the greyhound. It is written of him : "The greyhound is the oldest and most conservative of all dogs, and his type has altered singularly little during the 7,000 years in which he is known to have been cherished for his speed, and kept by men for running down the gazelle or coursing the hare. The earliest references to him are far back in the primitive ages, long before he was beautifully depicted by Assyrian artists, straining at the leash or racing after his prey across the desert sands. The Egyptians loved him and appreciated him centuries before the pyramids were built." In the next few years the animal will be bred in larger numbers and with more attention to the laws of heredity than ever before. Shall we increase the speed and modify the shape of this animal that is one of the four, in Solomon's phrase, which "go well and are comely in going " ?