22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 18


[To the Editor of the SPECTATOR.] • SIR,—The following resolution on the death of Mr. John St. Loe Strachey was passed at the recent meeting of the Central Committee of the English-Speaking Union :— "The Central Committee of the English-Speaking Union desires to express its profound sense of loss on the death of its Vice. Chairman, Mr. John fit LOO Strachey. The cause of British- American friendship had no more devoted friend, and it was fitting that almost the last task which Mr. Strachey undertook for the English-Speaking Union was the chairmanship of the House Committee which laid the plans for the purchase and opening of

Dartmouth House as the permanent home of the organisation in . . . . . . . _ the British Empire. To Mr. Strachey's -family, the Committee offers its deep sympathy."

• The English-Speaking Union, • Dartmouth House, W.1.-