22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 42

This Week in London


Monday, October- 24th, at 8 p.m.-DisAmmAkENT. By the Rt. Hon. D. Lloyd George, Mrs. Philip Snowden, and Mr. A. Duff

Cooper. At the Queen's Hall. - -

Tuesday, October 25th, at 5:15.p.in.-EunENics IN THE FuTuRE. By Major Leonard Darwin. At Bedford College, Regent's Park. Also at 8.30 p.m.

Wednesday, October 26th, at 3.15 p.m.-Discimmu Arrn PurnsnmENT. By Dr. Hadfield. At Carnegie House, 117 Picca- dilly, W. L Also at 8.30 p.m., FASCISM: THE SUPER-BOURGEOIS STATE. By Mr. C. Delisle Bums. At Kingsway Hall, Kingsway. *Thursday, October 27th, at 5.30 p.m.-SHELDON TAPESTRIES. By Mr. A. J. B. Wace. In the Lecture Theatre of the Victoria and Albert Museum. Also at 8.0 p.m., MENTAL KINKS. By Mr. Clement Jeffrey. At the Mortimer Hall, 93 Mortimer Street. Friday, October 28th, at 8.0 p.m.-Do WE AGREE? A Debate between Mr. G. B. Shaw and Mr. G. K. Chesterton. At Kingsway Hall. Tickets from King Edward's Hospital Fund for London, 7 Walbrook, E.C. 4.