Messrs. Gill and Co., on Stand 53, have a most
interesting dual purpose body on a standard 21 h.p. Voisin. In effect this is a touring car with saloon qualities. It has a flied partition, and the windows, which have fixed frames,' Wind up and down ; when raised they fit closely, against a specially designed hood of twill material which folds down in the ordin- ary way. The rear seats are placed further forward than usual so that passengers do not' sit over the axle, and the floorboards have wells sunk each side of the shaft so as to enable the seats to be kept low. The walnut-inlaid work is beautifully finished and all seats have detachable down cushions. The body is cafe-au-lait with chocolate wings and costs 1600._ The same firm also show a fabric two-seater on a Voisin on which the fabric very closely resembles paintwork.