22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 45

Public opinion has been very definitely shown this year to

.favour closed cars, and in particular those covered with fabric. Only a modest twenty per cent. of the sales have been open cars. Furthermore the excellence of the engine and chassis is very often taken for granted and all attention is focussed on the coachwork. There is a marked decrease in the number • of stripped chassis shown this year. Progress in the world • of motors can be seen most effectively in the modern small light car. Take, for instance, the 10 h.p. two-seater of a well- known make which cost £610 in 1920. The equivalent machine to-day develops morgpower, is more silent and smooth in running, has efficient four-wheel brakes, pneumatic uphol- ,stery, winding windows, independently adjustable seats, every conceivable accessory and costs £220.