22 OCTOBER 1927, Page 9

Mr. Bernard Shaw makes a characteristic riposte. " Who told you

my career was influenced by three books ? Whoever did was pulling your leg." Dean Inge, on the other hand, admits the impeachment and gives our readers these three (indeed four) chosen volumes : St. John's Gospel and the 2pistles of St. Paul, The Dialogues of Plato, Plotinus. The Rev. R. J. Campbell sends us the following interesting card : " Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress—the love of my youth and never abandoned. Lux Mundi—in Oxford days. Of many good books of a later period I might single out Henry Jones' Idealism as a Practical Creed, as having made a great impression on my mind." . Mr. Garvin, who has read as hard as any man that ever lived, writes to say that "to name any three out of the many books I have read would convey a false impression in my case." Sir 'Edmund Game says; "I have lived all

my life among books, and I cannot distinguish three or thirty Or three hundred as having particularly influenced my career."