22 SEPTEMBER 1866, Page 1

To this result the President has contributed far more than

any man of the opposite party. He has been " stumping " in the North with such fatal effect for his own party that the New York Times, now his special organ, cries out in pain that if the President does not care about his own dignity, as he asserts that he does not, the people of the United States do. Certainly Mr. Johnson's speeches have been powerful speeches for the Opposition. Till the North and West saw Mr. Johnson in the flesh, and felt the actual pulse, as it were, of his mind, they had their doubts of the true policy. Now they feel how utterly he is consumed with the fever of that violent and dictatorial policy which is the natural fruit of the Southern system. These are the sort of slang recriminations in which the President indulges with the hostile crowds whom he addresses addresses:— "I will tell you what I did do. I called upon your Congress that is trying to break up the Government. [Cries, You be damned !' and cheers mingled with hisses. Great confusion.

Don't get mad, Andy.] Well, I will tell you who is mad. ' Whom the gods wish to destroy they first make mad.' Did your Congress order any of them to be tried? [Three cheers for Congress.] " That took place at Cleveland, but the same sort of street row between the President and the vulgarer people among the crowd of his opponents takes'place at nearly every railway station or town where he addresses the mob. The President speaks habitu- ally of the Northern Radicals (who elected him) as " traitors," and the people reply with indignant murmurs or coarse irony. The Southern loyalists of Philadelphia have appointed a Com- mittee to follow the President in his route and apply the anti- dote to his poison. It is needless. The President's poison is its own antidote. With every dose of moral poison he gives un- consciously a powerful moral emetic.