22 SEPTEMBER 1866, page 1

The French Circular Issued On Monday Explaining The...

of the new prospects of Europe is a very able document, and no doubt t reassuring' so far as this, that it prepares France for acquiescence, at least at present, in the changed......

Mr. Henry Ward Beecher Has Gone Over To The Enemy.

He has written to the Convention of Loyal Soldiers and Sailors, at Cleveland, Ohio, declining to attend it, on the ground that the Constitution has " no place for a State except......

A Rather Serious Disturbance Has Broken Out At Palermo,...

has for the time cut off the communication between Palermo and the rest of the Italian kingdom. The priests, who always blunder, had long plotted to seize the occasion of the......

News Of The Week.

rit weather has been better. It still rains every day, but with mparative rareness and moderation, and the gloom is no longer a dull weight on the intellectual faculties. The......

Everything Seems To Indicate A Complete Triumph Of The...

lican or Congress party in the approaching American elections, in spite of the desertion of their principles by men so influential as Mr. Raymond, Mr. Beecher, and Mr. Bryant,......

To This Result The President Has Contributed Far More Than

any man of the opposite party. He has been " stumping " in the North with such fatal effect for his own party that the New York Times, now his special organ, cries out in pain......