Whitney's Choice Of En1blemes.*
WE are glad to be able to praise heartily the care, conscientious- ness, and completeness with which this book has been edited.. Whitney's Choice of Emblemes lies before us,......
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- Murray has at last annexed the English Lake district. The-pleasure of "She feedes on her owns maw unnaturall, travelling is so intimately associated with the familiar red......
Laren, Edinburgh.)—an.interesting Volume Might Have Been...
life of the.shrewd and sturdy Scotchman, the son-in-law of Knox, who manfully resisted the prelatical schemes of James I., was banished in consequence, spent sixteen years......
Current Literature.
The Secret of L. Eight sermons preached at Nottingham. By There is, however, another sphere into which emblems have ciliation is at hand between many Christian communities.......
Poems. By Robert Leighton. (howell, Liverpool.) We...
cannot fail to be interesting. Mr. Leighton is a man Who with the bliss of others pines awaie. who has not read many books, but has reflected deeply on life and all And what......