22 SEPTEMBER 1883, Page 13


OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—May I ask your help, and that of your readers, in making known a small movement now being undertaken in London P Its object is to procure the admission of women to an employ- ment which we believe to be very suitable to them, but from which they have hitherto been almost entirely excluded

namely, to clerkships in the upper mercantile offices. We pro- pose by moms of hi-weekly evening classes carefully to prepare a certain number of ladies for office-work generally, including book-keeping, and at the same time to establish a register of employers (merchants, warehousemen, &c.), who may be willing to admit women to their offices as clerks. By thorough train- ing, and careful recommendation of our students (as well-con- ducted and thorough workers) to such employers, we hope to give the latter reason to be satisfied with their decision to employ women as well as men. The classes are held in the City, and the fees will be Is. per evening. Any help, either in sending us suitable candidates, or in giving us the names of employers favourable to our cause, will be most welcome. All particulars will be furnished by Miss Franks, 23 Mortimer Street, W.— I am, Sir, &c., A. P. B. P.S.—These classes are, I need not say, not in the least in competition with those of the excellent Society for the Employ- ment of Women in Berners Street.