Glossary Of Terms And Phrases. Edited By The Rev. H.
Percy Smith. (Kegan Paul, Trench, and Co.)—Mr. Percy Smith has been assisted by some able contributors, among whom may be mentioned Sir George W. Cox and Mr. Fennell, the editor......
New Editions.—the Captives. Translated From Plautus. By...
MA. (Robertson, Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide.)— This second edition, "revised and enlarged," repeats, we perceive, some mistakes which we pointed out in the first. We will......
Pamphlets And Lectures.—coh English Law Be Taught At The...
By A. V. Dicey, B.C.L. (Macmillan), an inaugural lecture, asking a question which the Vinerian Professor naturally answers in the affirmative. His contention is that the student......
The Heavenly Bodies. By William Miller. (hodder And...
Miller discusses at great length what we cannot bat think a somewhat unprofitable question,—the plurality of inhabited worlds. We call it "unprofitable," not in the sense in......
Mariane/a. By Perez Caldds. From The Spanish By Clara Bell,
(Gottsberger, New York ; Triibner, London.)—Books from Spain are not so common but that they excite a special interest. This is but a slight story, and the motive is not, we......
We Would Desire To Welcome The Appearance Of The First
number of The Collective Investigation Record, edited by Professor Humphry, M.D., and F. A. Mahomed, M.B. (British Medical Association, 161e Strand.)—Dr. Humphrey prefaces the......