The Heavenly Bodies. By William Miller. (hodder And...
Miller discusses at great length what we cannot bat think a somewhat unprofitable question,—the plurality of inhabited worlds. We call it "unprofitable," not in the sense in......
Current Literature.
Oliver Wendell Holmes. By W. S. Kennedy. (Cassino and Co., Boston, U.S.; Sampson Low and Co, London.)—One has a feeling that there is something illegitimate about these accounts......
Farrer's Tour In Greece.* Emerson, In One Of His, Charming
letters to Carlyle, gently twits Frederick's biographer with having made a covenant with his eyes, that they should not see anything he did not wish they • should see. Recent......
A. Fair Country Maid. By E. Fairfax Byrrne. 3 Vols.
(Bentley and Son.)—The opening of this tale is•attractive. Derrick Devon- porte, squire of Hollyss Hall, meets the "fair country maid," Marjorie Morrison, and we recognise at......