We would desire to welcome the appearance of the first
number of The Collective Investigation Record, edited by Professor Humphry, M.D., and F. A. Mahomed, M.B. (British Medical Association, 161e Strand.)—Dr. Humphrey prefaces the number with a "History of the Movement." Then follow addresses on the subject delivered before the Metropolitan Counties Branch of the British Medical Association by Sir W. Gull and Sir James Paget. We have some results of the working of the Association. "A Report on the Communicability of Phthisis " is the longest and most im- portant paper in the number. We may quote one sentence from the report :—" One fact these returns seem to establish beyond any question, and that is, that if phthisis is a communicable disease, it is so only under circumstances and conditions of extremely close per- sonal intimacy, such as sharing the same bed or the same room, or shut up together in numbers in close, ill-ventilated apartments." "Preliminary Reports," on acute pneumonia, chorea, acute rheu- matism, and diphtheria follow, and "The Treatment of Acute Gout" is proposed as a subject of the next inquiry.