The Agnostic party in Switzerland are as much inclined to
persecute as the Illtramontanes ever were. They have not only stopped the processions of the Salvation Army by force—which was done also in Bombay, and may, if feeling runs high, be as reasonable as our own prohibition of Catholic processions— but, according to the Geneva correspondent of the Times, have imprisoned Miss Booth at Neuchittel for attending a religious
meeting, and expelled a Mr. Clibborn from Geneva for sing- ing a hymn. The advocates of these proceedings publicly argue that they are just, because a State must have the right to prevent the spread of "the religious poison" among the- community even by force. What more could the Fathers of the, Inquisition say ? Those Fathers had, too, the excuse that their practice was in exact accord with their theory, and could, there- fore, be expected beforehand ; while the Swiss Agnostics profess. tobe devoted to religious freedom, and would rise in arms if any Canton punished a profession of atheism with imprison- ment. Disbelief is at least as intolerant as belief, with the- aggravation that it inflicts torture for nothing. If there is no- future state, what does "the religious poison" signify ? Why should not an ephemeris worship the Sun, if it likes ?