We omitted to notice last week the terrible blow which
has: fallen on the leading Royalist personages in France. The Tribunal of Commerce has decided that the Directors of the- -Union G6n4rale are responsible to the shareholders for false- issues of shares and for mismanagement, and has ordered them to pay a sum of nearly a million sterling in compensation. It has, moreover, made the Directors jointly and severally respon- sible; so that if one of them cannot pay the sum required, the- others must find the difference. There is still an appeal ; but- if this decision is upheld, Royalist families of the first standing,. like the De Broglies, Harcourts, Cirecourts, and the like, will be partially or wholly ruined. The majority of them, moreover,. were innocent of all but a foolish want of judgment in entering into financial business, they having trusted their managing: director, M. Bontoux, with implicit confidence.