'The Publishing-House of Rivington. By Soptimus Rivington. (Rivington, Percival, and
Co.)—There was no small regret felt .five years ago when the historic name of Rivington disappeared from the title-1 ages of books. It has now, as our readers will probably have notie3d for some time, returned. The first Riving- ton—Charles, born in 1089—purchased an old-established book-
selling business in 1712; Charles was succeeded by John and James ; James left the firm and had some exciting experiences in America ; John carried on the business till his death in 1792. The house continued, though in a different locality, till 1889, when the senior partner sold the business to Messrs. Longmans, the junior binding himself not to use his name in the same line for four years. This period has now expired. This volume contains some interesting records of the past. The house published " Smollett's History of England" (by which 410,000 profit was made) ; " Cruden's Concordance," "The British Critic," and " Tracts for the Times."