Religion In Japan. By George A. Cobbold. (s.p.c.k.)—shin-...
and Christianity are the subjects of Mr. Cobbold's excellent little essay. The first is of no great import- ance as a factor in the religious thought of the nation, though it......
A Tragic Blunder. By Mrs. Lovett-cameron. 3 Vols. (f. V.
White and Co.)—This story may be described as an adaptation to the circumstances of nineteenth-century fiction of the main idea of the Comedy of Errors. Rupert Carroll and Lord......
" How To Be Happy Though Young."
THERE is perhaps as much sound advice to young men in The Sunny Days of Youth as could be got together in three hundred pages. But what young man will read it P Ninety- nine out......
Parsival A Knightly Epic. By Wolfram Von Eschenbach. For The
first time translated into English Verse, by Jessie L. Weston. Vol. I. (Nutt.)—Wolfram von Eschenbach has been universally regarded as the greatest poet of Mediteval Germany. In......
Current Literature.
An Island Garden. By Celia Theater. (Osgood, McIlvaine, and Co.)—We are getting a little overdone with garden literature. The authoress of "An Island Garden" is even more......
Latin Prose Versions. Contributed By Various Scholars....
G. Ramsay. (The Clarendon Press.)—" Writing good Latin Prose" is, according to the biographer of Lord Macaulay, "ono of the most lucrative accomplishments that a man can possess......
Dover College Register. Edited By G. A. Davis. (cuff...
Dover.)—After reminiscences from the " first boarder" from "one of the first day-boys" and from "W. B.," the late Head-master of Dover College (founded in 1871), we have a......
We Have To Notice Two Editions Of Short Stories By
Mr. George R. Sims, both published by Messrs. Chatto and Windus. These are Memoirs of a Landlady and My Two Wives. The " Memoirs" are a collection of queer experiences collected......