22 SEPTEMBER 1894, page 2

In The Socialist Gatherings Which Are Taking Place This...

in most parts of Western Europe two interesting facts appear beyond dispute. The sect everywhere believes that it can "capture" the Parliaments, and that this is its quickest......

Lord Hothfield, One Of Mr. Gladstone's Peers, Who For...

years was the head of the Gladstonian party in West- moreland, has announced openly his secession from that party. In a letter to Sir Theodore Fry, he states that he cannot......

The Austrian Chancellor, Count Kalnoky, On Monday...

in a long speech, of which part was important. He repeated his master's declaration that the Powers wished peace, though for the safety of the Monarchy the national armaments......

The Political Testament Of The Late Comte De Paris Was

published on Monday. It is a pathetic document, obviously published by a man of high character, who felt that he had failed. He maintains strongly the claim of the" national and......

The Madagascar Consul In London Told " Reuter" On Tuesday

that he thought M. de Milers would hardly ask from Madagascar so much as was proposed. He would ask an acknowledgment of the Protectorate, and this the Hovas would grant ; but......

Ireland Has Given Birth To A New Grievance. It Promises

to- be a strong and healthy child. About ten years ago, certain politicians and philanthropists, Irish and English, with Mr. . Parnell at their head, started a Migration......

The Times Of Wednesday Gives An Account Of The Annual'

report of the National Free Labour Association. The report states that up to the end of August last no fewer than 228,00(P seamen have been registered as " free labour men." In......