Diippel having fallen the Conference has been again postponed. It
was originally fixed for the 12th inst., but the Prussians were afraid of an armistice, and tutored the Diet to invent pretexts for delay ; then the fall of the place being certain, the Diet elected their representative, and the 20th was selected as the day of meet- ing; then Diippel having fallen, the Prussians wished to ravage Jutland in comfort, and prevailed on M. Von Beust to be slow in packing, so that in consequence of his absence there might be a fresh postponement. The day now fixed is Monday, when we suppose the Prussian Ambassador will fall sick, or hurt his foot, or lose some relative who must be lamented, or—indeed, any excuse will do. Well, all this chicanery brings us nearer to the time when the Baltic will be opened, and English diplomacy be strength- ened by the presence on the spot of English cannon. The Germans say they understand England, but if they did they would not stir the fire quite so persistently.