Garibaldi Has Been To All The Lions,—the Crystal Palace...
where the popular reception on Monday was in part a failure, there being only about 25,000 people present,—to the Guild- hall to receive the freedom of the City,—to Teddington......
It Was Announced On Tuesday To The Consternation Of The
sen- sation-loving public that Garibaldi intended to leave England on Monday next, and the most absurd rumours were instantly put in circulation. His departure had been made a......
The Middlesex Magistrates Will Not Hear Of Justice To Roman
Catholics. In Coldbath Fields there have been as many Roman Catholics as 391 at a time ; and 195 in all have been visited by a priest by special request. In the Westminster......
Mr. Forster Moved Yesterday Week For A Committee To Inquire
into the relations between the Board of Trade and the Foreign Office. At present, when our commercial men have any repre- sentations to make on foreign tariffs or dues they must......
A Most Ill-judged Attempt Has Been Made By A Few
Mends of Garibaldi to raise a national subscription for his benefit. They forget that he rejected an offer of 4,000/. a year for life from his own Parliament, and that the first......
The Convocation Of The Province Of Canterbury Has...
and a motion of the Bishop of Oxford's in the Upper House has drawn forth from the Bishops of London and St. David's speeches so manly, vigorous, and wise, as to neutralize in......
The Vote Of Tuesday Week On The Mutilation Of Inspectors'
reports puzzled the Ministry, for by an absurd arrangement the reponsibility of the department rests with a peer who has not been the ruling spirit, but who cannot be spared.......
In Committee On The Penal Servitude Bill On Tuesday Night,
Sir George Grey, true to the policy of his departed friend Sir Joshua Jebb, made a dead stand against the adop- tion of the principle of surveillance for prisoners discharged on......
Mr. Crawford Brought Forward His Motion For A Uniform Scale
of duty on sugar, instead of the variable scale proposed by the Chan- cellor of the Exchequer yesterday week, and failed miserably, getting only 17 to vote with him, while there......