The Middlesex Magistrates will not hear of justice to Roman
Catholics. In Coldbath Fields there have been as many Roman Catholics as 391 at a time ; and 195 in all have been visited by a priest by special request. In the Westminster House of Correc- tion there have been as many as 223 at a time; and 950 in all have been visited by a priest upon special request. In the House of Detention, Clerkenwell, there were thirty-five at one time, and seven in all have been visited by a priest by special request. The magistrates rejected the proposal to appoint Catholic chaplains by 65 to 7, and Mr. Serjeant Payne made a flaming speech about the horrible plots the Roman Catholic priests would contrive under the pretext of receiving sealed confessions. Mr. Payne regarded it as an attempt " to increase the number of Roman Catholic subjects," and we conclude, therefore, regards all other toleration laws in the same eccentric light. An amendment, stating that any change in the regulations would be improper, was carried by 70 to 24. Mr. Payne and his friends appear to hold that though Catholicism may be tolerated in respectable people, criminals are to be exceptions, and as a part of their hard prison discipline are to have Protestant fare or none—in order that Pro- testantism may have the credit of their future career.