Current Literature.
The Colonial - Office List for 1864. Compiled by Arthur N. Birch and William Robinson, of the Colonial Office. (Stanford.)—This is the third annual publication of this most......
A Dictionary Of The Bible. Part Xiii. Edited By Dr.
Wm. Smith LL.D. (John Murray.)—The concise yet exhaustive paper of Dr. Hassey on the Lord's Day is a fair specimen of the liberal yet cautiously ortho- dox spirit in which this......
Gatherings Among The Gum Trees. By Mitchell Kilgour...
James Reid.)—These poems are the composition of an Aus- tralian "Bushman," and though they have very little originality re- garded as poetry, we welcome the work of a man who......
The Colony Of Victoria Down To The End Of 1863.
By William West- garth. (London : Sampson Low.)—Mr. Westgarth's new work on Victoria is not altogether as good as the last ho published on the same subject. His style is more......
Sunbeam Stories. By The Author Of " A Trap To
Catch a Sunbeam." (Lockwood and Co.)—Once more we venture to ask why it is that children are never to be allowed a story-book in which the story is any- thing more than a......
Sir Victor's Choice. By Annie Thomas. Three Vols. (john Max-
well and Co.)—The author of this novel seems to us to have every qualification requisite for success except good taste. No one can deny her cleverness—that the characters are......
Voices From The Hearth, A Collection Of Verses. By Isidore
G. Ascher, B.C.L., Advocate, Montreal. (Montreal, John LovelL)—If true poems, as the authorasserts, ought to thrill and arrest the mind, we think " Voices from the Hearth"......
A French Literary History Of England.* The Professed...
this interesting and sagacious treatise remind one cogently of the labours of the late Mr. Buckle. The author proclaims the feasibility and propriety of one's studying......
Cudjo's Case. By T. T. Trowbridge. (trubner.)—another Of...
books produced by the American struggle, none of which as yet seem likely to live. The object of the writer seems to be to paint the violence of all Southern men towards......
Trevlyn Hold. By The Author Of " East Lynne." (tinsley
Brothers.) —A geed story for those who love incident. The plot depends on the right of property in Trevlyn Hold, a large estate which its owner, be- lieving his two sons dead,......