The vote of Tuesday week on the mutilation of inspectors'
reports puzzled the Ministry, for by an absurd arrangement the reponsibility of the department rests with a peer who has not been the ruling spirit, but who cannot be spared. For Earl Granville to resign would never do, and Mr. Lowe was therefore pressed to remain. He, however, persisted in resigning, and on Monday made an able speech further explaining the facts. He really did not know that marks had been put by the side of the manuscript reports up to 1862, for owing to his weak sight those reports were read to him. He did not, however, deny that the reports are still sent back for correction, and that the inspectors knew very well what that meant. Our opinion as to Mr. Lowe's qualifica- tions for the department are unaltered, but we sincerely trust his great knowledge, courage, and acuteness will not be lost to Govern-
ment. He has been succeeded by Mr. Austin Bruce, Under- Secretary for the Home Department, a man of promise who under- stands the office well.