A most ill-judged attempt has been made by a few
Mends of Garibaldi to raise a national subscription for his benefit. They forget that he rejected an offer of 4,000/. a year for life from his own Parliament, and that the first beauty of his character is its disinterestedness. If he takes the money at all it will be simply to use it for a new expedition, which the subscribers do not mean. If London must, after its ignoble fashion, reduce its feeling into the concrete form of cash, let it give Garibaldi, as the Telegraph has suggested, the half of Caprera not already his own, and the swiftest yacht which floats. Either of those gifts would add to the pleasure of his life, which the receipt of a tribute from any nation except his own would assuredly take away. He has only to hold up his finger, and Italy will enrich him beyond his wants ; let England honour him and leave to his own country her proper task.