MHE fact of the week is the fall of Diippel. The Prussians, who JL have for two months been raining shells on the works, delivered the final attack at ten a.m. on the 18th inst. It was successful ; but the Danes, worn with fatigue and outmunbered by five to one, still seem to have resisted gallantly, and the storm cost the invaders 60 officers and 1,000 men killed and wounded. The Danes lost 4,000 men killed, wounded, and prisoners, and the Commander- in-Chief with the remnant of his force has retreated into Alsen. The Prussians are wild with joy at the news, the King in a general order praises the " Lord of Hosts," whom he evidently considers, like Frederick, to be "on the side of the big battalions," and has gone in person to enjoy a triumph in which he did not share. The army has been ordered to invade Jutland, and the excited Germans seem less disposed than ever to listen to any reasonable compromise. The news of the defeat has been received in Copenhagen with a strong feeling of depression, and in Eng- land with that stolid dull sense of annoyance which is among us the prelude to a burst of anger. No details of the battle had arrived up to the time of our going to press.